Tuesday, October 16, 2018

we are a far cry away from posting once a day.

I work at Clear Rate now. I am dating Jamie and it has been 3 years.

I have been drinking tonight and this is the constant string. I am happy. I honestly like my day to day life as much as I ever have. If i speak about this in callous terms it is because that I know how fortunate I am. That there is so much suffering and misery in the world that I am so fortunate not to have endless pain or misery. I like my life. A lot.

I think that some things were put on hold while I settled into a relationship. I think that if Jamie wasn't here I would get more work done no doubt, but I think that its a good long term play, and so far I have been good at those.

College worked out in the sense that I have a comfortable 50+ K a year job . I think that I have most of my friends and family intact. That I have people to rely on. I am popular.

I have been listening to this WWI podcast by Dan Carlin called Blue Print for Armageddon (amongst a lot of good fantasy novels)

About Jamie. He doesn't have things to do yet outside of me. Thats a worry. Because, ok, I shouldn't say that. He has a lot of school work and I am so god damn proud of him for that. He really makes me a believer in the things he believes. I believe in labor and the ability of the man who goes to work everyday to be able to meet together and make huge influences on the world. I believe that when the people alive actually do the work, they should be the ones who have a major say in how things are run. He made me believe in labor unions, and for that I owe him.

He of course needs someone on this side of the state who can be there for him besides me. Its hard. He and I both know that we are stronger than this. Maybe I can provide that for him. I can get him in touch with someone who isn't me that can move him and obsess him. He and I want the same thing. We want to be meaningful and important, and we also want to feel good. We make each other feel good, but over here on the east side, I am the only thing that makes him feel this good. He deserves to feel good outside of me. That will free me up to devote time to other passions and will give him another quality to his new life out here. He deserves that. I think now that i write this I can make it a priority.

Also, I have decided that I will buy a house. Soon. It scares me to talk about it because I am nervous that I will fail, but it is important to me. There is this 15000 dollar grant that just came out for new homeowners. I will take advantage of this. I need to. The clock is ticking. I cannot drop this ball. The opportunity is too good.

Another thing. I want kids. Jamie is a great partner for kids. He will be the best father. Having kids... if you are in my age group right now, is not popular. People talk all the time about how much of a burden they are. They are fools. They will regret the way they talk, to be honest. I get that there is a change is social guard and the new found respect for young independence is there, but this isn't a great war. These people are avoiding having children, I think, because they feel that either they or the the world is not good enough to believe in children.

And that's what you have to do with kids. You have to buy into it. You have to believe. In the age where war disease death and famine were real, it was easier. It was easy to love something that was age 6 to 26. It was healthy and beautiful.

Now we see responsibility that we are not yet ready to handle. We see how important it is to raise young people correctly. We see how easy it is to ruin a young life and we don't want to make a mistake. This is admirable in a lot of ways. I think it is why a lot of my peers are scared of kids. I am not though. Jamie and I can be the best team of dads. We are going to pass on what we know. We are going to raise young people smarter and better than the both of us combined. They are going to love deeper, know more, work harder, and have more fulfilling, exciting experiences than Jamie and I will ever know. They will be peaceful and helpful. And that is what I want to give to the world. I want to give peaceful, stable, unselfish humans to the next generation. I want to give people who can work harder than I can, and who can see the world as the rock in space that - with proper planning, can sustain 20 billion lives in peace and harmony, and we can set out sights on the stars and spread peace and hemogony to a chaotic galaxy.

Love you blog.

Tuesday, August 1, 2017

Ron Weasley

Tonight it occurred to me that for the normal fan Ron Weasley is an easy choice for the least popular of the Harry Potter trio. He is the little brother, the least special, the least likable in many aspects. He also, very notably, acts like a total dick to Harry despite being his best friend. You know, he freaks out on Harry for speaking snaketongue, he suspects Harry is lying to him when he is named by the Goblet of Fire. He abandons Harry in the forest in book 7. He is nowhere near as clever, or helpful, or brave as Harry or Hermione, and he is an easy guy to spit on.

He was my favorite of the trio growing up.

Ron wasn't anything at all like Harry and Hermione. Where Harry is the chosen one and Hermione, in comparison to her parents, is so extraordinarily gifted that she is a life-independent 12 year old. They are special little kids. Ron is not. They are talented where is normal, and they are brave when he is weak. 

Now Ron meets Harry on the train, and they're fast, best friends. He seems almost the opportunist. Enamored by Harry's celebrity and his charm. He is crushing on Hermione.

But Harry and Hermione have something in common that sets them apart from Ron so dramatically that even if he was every bit the equal in courage in talent, which he isn't, he still could never compete with them for greatness.

Harry and Hermione have nothing to tie to them to the generation that came before them. Harry's parents are dead. He knows nothing of family. He is the kid-slave turned into celebrity hero overnight. He is a little boy thrust into a literal dream come true. By all measure, Harry is probably spending the first 3 books on a the most serious endorphin high you can imagine. Going from nothing to everything must feel like falling in love every single day, over and over again. His life is a whimsical dream that keeps going and going.

Of course, this is bad for an eleven year old, and yeah Harry will be tortured for it, but Harry's torture is well-explored in the books. Ron's is not so much. 

Hermione is on the same life changing rush, but one or two notches dialed back. Her parents are ordinary dentists, and she is so gifted. She is smart, with a sense of independence most won't know until they are adults, oh and she can perform magic. She loves her parents on some level, but its apparent very quickly that her parents have no impact on her anymore.
Imagine how free they must seem to Ron.

Good family is an incredible support system. It is also a burden. I would never trade it in, personally, but it strikes me that Ron would have to be dead to not experience jealousy so strong that he has to question everyday he spends with the other two friends.

Harry doesn't get that he has 5 older brothers, all of them remarkable. His dad is a potent man. And lest we forget Ron has one job in his family's eyes, and that's to watch out for the little sister. She almost gets murdered by a damn snake, thanks in large part to the existence of his best friend. 

Harry Potter as a best friend is a bad life decision. He demands a lot Ron's time. He threatens everything the Dursleys stand for. He loves Harry, but objectively Harry is a poison. How many times should I risk my life for this mysterious, talented stranger? How many of my loved ones should die because I can't make the smart move and stay away from you? Why should I continue to suffer for you, and envy you, and twist my good normal life around for your damned Chosen One sonofabitch face? 

Ron is the common man. Uncommonly common.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Thursday, November 1, 2012

We're Evolving!

Its weird, but I just want to talk about   evolution    for a second here if I might.

I don't -- but when I see people say evolution isn't real, I want to tell them, like, open my mouth and  let them know that they are mistaken. Not because I think that they are stupid, but more from the childish part of me that is saying “I know something that you don't!”, because I have, first hand, seen evolution with my very eyes.

The reason I know evolution exists is because one day, a responsible adult in my life took me to a thing called a museum. In this museum, I saw with my own two eyes, an ancient, medieval, real-as-shit, suit of armor. Like King Arthur, oh my god, this is stuff that knights wore, and my little brain probably exploded with wonder. And while I gawked and pondered, someone close by asked a good question.

“Uhhhh, why's it so short?”

Holy poop. He was right. That suit of armor was like, maybe five foot tall at best.

A keen adult then told us, very matter-of-factly, “that's because people didn't grow nearly as tall as back in the medieval times.” Okay, that makes sense. Why? I don't know, changes in diet maybe, who fucking cares? The proof is right there in front of me. Its a suit of armor that's about 500 years old, and its clearly made for a short person.

BOOM. Evolution! It's right, fucking there, evolution means change. We we're once short, now we are tall. That is change. Evolution. Done-zo. This discussion is over.

Okay, but monkeys?

Of course it's not over. Because a clever man might say “whoa whoa whoa, just because we got taller in 500 years does NOT mean people came from monkeys.

Ahhhh. Quid pro quo.

I mean you've got a point, clever man, the monkeys thing is quite a leap. But first of all I didn't say we came from monkeys, I said that I know evolution is real. Species evolution means change in species. We are a species and we have changed.

But since you asked, clever man, I will get to the monkeys thing, but first, we need to talk about how old the earth is. The bible, according to many people, has estimates that the earth is as young as 6000 years old. Modern science seems to put the age a bit closer to 6,000,000,000,000 years old. Let's throw out both those numbers and say that we have no fucking idea, because lets face, both you and I are just going off what we heard from our friends, right?

But we can agree that Earth is old, way fucking old. Older than we can really imagine. We've only been reliably keeping track since Ancient Mesopatamia, so, about 5000 years ago. (3000 BC), and we can all agree that it is as least older than that.

What we know...

1. Human beings are changing. We were once shorter than we are now.

2. That height change took place in about 400 years.

3. The human species is over 5000 years old.

Now seriously, this is important, I want you to go online and look up Australopithecus sediba. Find a picture of it's skull – it looks a lot like this one!

Now compare it to a human skull.

Wow! They sure look similar! They clearly aren't the same, if you'll notice. Look at the eyebrows, how they protrude on the top skull, but not on the bottom? Look at the nose. Look at the upper lip.

HOW ARE YOU GONNA TELL ME THAT ONE DIDN'T COME FROM THE OTHER ONE? Seriously, how are you going to say that? Knowing that the Earth is old, and knowing that the species does in fact change... How are you going to look at these two skulls and say that one didn't come from the other?

When we find 500 year old skeletons, they're shorter than modern skeletons. So by logical conclusion, we should be stumbling across some skeletons that are both much older, much shorter, and look even more different, AND SON OF BITCH, WE FOUND EM! Deus ex machina! Or whatever, I don't really understand Latin.

So let's just take all of the skulls that we have found, and let's pretend that science is stupid, and carbon dating doesn't work, and we have no idea how old any of them are. If we just put the ones that look alike next to each other, maybe we can see some sort of pattern?

HO MY GOD, ITS ALL THERE. The change in teeth! The shrinking eyebrow bone! The upper jaw! The increased cranial capacity and thickness! It's all fucking there. Patterns! Logic! It works!

Are there any questions? Please, if you still aren't convinced that human evolution is real, please tell me what you know that I don't.

Sunday, July 8, 2012

Allan Chambers: "Exodus does not believe same-sex attraction is sinful."

I was doing a little bit of netsumbling today, when I came across this gem...

In a nutshell, one of the most dangerous anti-gay organizations in the world has changed its views. They used to believe that have attractions to the same-sex was wrong. Their new stance is that the act of homosexual sex is evil, not the attractions themselves. 

Greg the Terran breaks it down.


If your not familiar with Exodus International, they were, up until today, basically the largest driving force in homosexual reparative therapy. They were essentially the kings of the ex-gay movement (no queens allowed). I did a little work on them back in the day for a "gender and sexuality" class back in the day, I'm trying to dig it out.

Ah. There it is. If you're already familiar with exodus or the ex-gay movement, you should check this out.

What is homosexual reparative therapy? Basically, it's the attempt to change people from gay to straight through Christian based consoling. Young queers would go to visit a minister or a christian therapist, who would tell them that the Bible condemns their gayness, but luckily, WITH THE HELP OF JESUS, they could change.

Exouds International was the largest and most influential organization that used homosexual reparative therapy. They claimed, of course, not to hate gays, but to love Jesus so much that they wanted to get rid of all of us queers so as not to make baby Jesus cry anymore. They also claimed that they had cured tens of thousands of people from homosexuality, and that they could cure you too! (and me too!) if only we all just believed.

For years you could visit the Exodus website, and read from hundreds of testimonials from ex-gay people. These are people who claimed they were once gay, but had been cured. Mostly they would talk about how dissatisfying the gay lifestyle was, and how God didn't approve and how now they were happy, well-adjusted heterosexuals that hadn't had a dirty thought in years! (Oh Joy!)


As it turns out, telling little queers that "it's just a phase" and that if they really love God, their faggotry will go away is actually quite damaging to the human psyche. It doesn't work. It's very confusing. The problem with ex-gay therapy is that the "solution" is to pretend like gayness is just the devil trying to trick you.

So little Tommy is trying not to be gay anymore, but he's got this voice in the back of his head saying "Come on Tommy, if weren't gay, you wouldn't be driving to a clinic and paying someone to talk to you about your gayness, NOW WOULD YOU?"

And Tommy's therapist says "BUT WHAT ABOUT JESUS?!"

That's even more confusing, because Jesus has not-shit to do with any of this (Unless Jesus was the name of a mexican man that Tommy boned in a bathhouse).


Allan, a former homosexual himself, now happily married with two children, used to claim that others could change their homosexual ways like he had, and that they would be happier. However, in a string of recent interviews, as well as speech at an Exodus annual meeting, Allan Chambers announced that his organization would no longer try to cure homosexuality. He admitted that ex-gay therapy offered false hope to a group of people who are already surrounded by misinformation, and was very potentially dangerous.

Only a few years ago, Mr. Chambers was featured in advertisements along with his wife, Leslie, saying, “Change is possible.” But now, he said in the interview, “Exodus needs to move beyond that slogan.”
He even went so far as to admit that he himself still harbored sexual feelings for the same sex, and that basically every ex-gay he had ever met still did. The Exodus website has been revamped, and now there are only a select few of the ex-gay testimonials still lying around. The leftovers do less to condemn homosexuals as perverts and more to show people simply struggling with their homosexual sin.

This is of course a MAJOR victory for homosexuals, but it is also oh so much more than that.

This shit is awesome. This is a victory for the whole friggin world. Up until now, Exodus International was the enemy of the homosexuals. They were snatching up our own kind and turning them against us. Many of them hated us, and many of us hated them right back. Could you blame us?

Allan has raised a white flag. He's calling a truce. I still don't agree with the man 100%. The man still thinks that the Bible condemns homosexuality and he still thinks its wrong to have sex with men. 

I think the Bible is pretty much full of shit, and that everybody should be having sex with men, but you know what? At least I don't hate the guy anymore. He did the right thing, and if your a Christian, who is struggling with your own homosexual feelings, maybe Allan is the right man to talk to.

Again, I'd still recommend just accepting your queerness as something wonderful, but nowadays you can do worse than Exodus International.

Bravo. You intolerant bastards.