Well let me explain something to you. I've been playing video games for a lot of years, and I know the intensity that comes with competitive gaming. It gets heated, and people get excited. When people are jumping up and down in their chairs flipping over tables and shouting racial slurs at their best friends, you know that the game creator has accomplished what he set out to do.
But Starcraft II isn't like that. In Starcraft, you don't yell, you don't wave your arms around after a misclick or you fuck up and accidentally get your units killed for no reason. No, Starcraft players don't show these emotions. Because as soon as you do, your dead.
Seriously, its the only game I know of where from the moment the game starts, the action doesn't stop. If you take your hands of the keyboard for five seconds, you done messed up. You were supposed to be building something in that 5 seconds. Now you've lost.
What do I mean? Let's pretend you've just started a match of Starcraft.
[Game starts]"Okay, click my CC, build a worker, grab my exisiting workers, send them to the right side of my mineral patch, and before they move the two feet to get there, grab half of your workers and send them to the otherside of the mineral patch. This is known as "the split", and you get about 3 seconds to pull it off. Don't mess this up, or you won't have as much money as your enemy and you'll lose.
Build workers as fast as your money allows. When you have 10 of them, build a supply depot. Don't build 11 workers before building the supply depot, cause you'll lose.
Once your depot is down, build more workers. Oh, you forgot to build that 11th worker right after dropping the depot? Well now you don't have enough money. You lose.
Send an SCV to go scout. Make sure its the same one that built the supply depot. If you don't scout, you don't know what's coming and you'll lose.

Now say your opponent builds an army and so do you. GREAT now you can defend his attack. Of course he's a zerg player, so he can build 10 zerglings in the time you can build 3 marines. Remember that supply depot and baracks you built? Did you block the entrance to your base with those buildings? No? Well now he's just going to run into your base with his 10 zerglings, run right past your pathetically slow marines, and EAT YOUR WORKERS LIKE POPCORN. Now you have no money, and YOU LOSE!!
That's called strategy.
That's how Starcraft is played. And its only fun when your strategy wins, but let me tell you... when you bet the farm, when you say fuck my army, fucking building a lot of soldiers, fuck building workers, and spend all your money on ONE INVISIBLE GUNSHIP in the first five minutes. Your heart is pounding, cause you know... you KNOW he's got an army of roaches that's gonna melt your base like Frosty the Snowman. And all your hopes and dreams are riding on this one stupid, invisble airplane. You send the gunship across the field. You reach the enemy base, activate the cloaking device and PRAY he doesn't have detection.
And oh baby when you fly over his mineral line, and see all his stupid drone workers, buzzing about, collecting minerals without a care in the world. You fire away. The workers begin to scatter and flee but there's no where to go! THEY HAVE NO DETECTION! The fool wasted all of his gas on his army of stupid roaches, and the roaches do nothing but scream as your invisible gun ship blows them to pieces, and there's nothing your opponent can do. He scrambles to build an observer, to try and see past your cloak, but it's too late! Your opponent is helpless as missles are appearing out of thin air over his base. You've slaughtered half of his workers. His economy is ruined. He has nothing, and holy shit, the 6 billion dollar invisible gunship actually worked!!
That's starcraft. And I just can't get enough.
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